10 Nov 2023

How to create your happy home using mini habits

2 minute read 

It’s National Organising Week and at APDO we can’t stop thinking about ways to make your place, your happy space.  

In today’s blog, APDO member Amanda Manson shares her thoughts on using mini habits to create the space you long for and the time you need.  

Organising your life can be a joyful journey! It’s not as hard as you might think. 

Try this: Sort. Organise. Store... Repeat - with a smile on your face! 

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© Image by Thirdman on Pexels

It's all about creating habits. They say it takes doing something a certain number of times to make it a habit. And habits are fantastic because they happen automatically. They give you more time, more focus, less stress and a sense of accomplishment. 

A habit is a routine of behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. (source Wikipedia) 

So, aim for those subconscious habits. You don't need to declutter your entire space every week - that's a bit too much for anyone! Instead, focus on small, sustainable tasks that make a big difference in the long run. 

Here are some ideas to get you started: 

  •  Empty your coat pockets and handbag every week. Less to weigh you down – literally! 
  • Keep your bathroom windowsill clutter-free. Remove those empty product bottles. 
  • Put away shoes and clothes as you take them off. Avoid creating a ‘floordrobe’ or trip hazard. 
  • Use handy apps (I love AnyList) or Alexa/Google for your shopping list. Do away with lists on random scraps of paper. 
  • Start each day with a tidy bedroom. Remove empty cups and rubbish, make the bed, put clothes away. Clear surfaces reduce distractions and give you a better night’s sleep. 
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    © Image by Sirli Jung on Pexels
  • Get the family involved in a fun toy tidy-up before bedtime. Store by type/theme/size or whatever works with the storage you have. 
  • Clear your kitchen counters every evening before bed.
  • Open your mail near the recycling bin and ditch rubbish there and then. Deal with things that need action straight away and file what needs to be kept OR put them in an Action Folder or in one particular spot to deal with when you can. 
  • Keep spaces tidy by taking things up or downstairs daily and putting them into their correct place. 
  • Plan your meals in advance for a stress-free week. Ten minutes spent planning will save you hours of head-scratching! 
  • Choose your outfit for tomorrow, today! Remember to check the weather forecast. 
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    © Image by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels
  • Stick to one notepad or notebook for all your lists. Then just watch the magic happen! 
  • Load and empty the dishwasher as you go, to avoid a bigger task later on. 
  • Give everything a home, so you never have to hunt for things.  

There are lots more tips to help you online, but these will give you a start as you build the habit of staying organised. Try not to rush things – let them happen naturally. Soon, you'll enjoy more time and less stress in your space. Share your tips and successes with us – we'd love to hear from you!  

Amanda Manson is an organising expert with 12+ years of experience at Orderly Office and Home. She offers practical, no-nonsense support for busy people struggling to sort, organise or move the stuff in, around & out of their space.

To find your local organiser who can help create make your space your happy place, check out our Find an Organiser page.  

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