27 Mar 2022

Clear for calm: It's off to work I go

1 minute read

Living in a two bedroomed apartment with an open plan area can be challenging if you are not organised. Of course, there is no room for clutter, but there is plenty of scope for not getting the areas zoned in the right way.

If you are self-employed, you will know how hard it is to focus in a home environment, unless you are really organised and have a properly designated workspace. Too many distractions can lead to a lack of productivity and chronic disorganisation. 


I moved into my apartment in 2017 and for some strange reason thought that working from the chunky wood dining table made perfect sense. A kind of have laptop will travel sort of vibe. However, what I found was that I was entirely disorganised.  My work merged into dinner time, it was messy and did not make me very productive. I could not concentrate for starters.

I came to realise that I had to change the way I styled my apartment and create a proper work/office area which, in turn, would help me focus.

Firstly, I identified where an office desk and chair would work.  Once identified, it was a case of choosing materials. I opted for bronze, one of my favourite colours, with a glass desk.

Housing the paperwork was key. No-one really likes a filing cabinet, but nowadays they have become much more stylish and colourful too. To blend rather than stand out, I opted for a small grey unit. A bronze filing tray set up gives a sense of old-school style along with the old-fashioned lamp in green.

The finishing touches include two comfortable cushions, one made by my artist friend, which I use to support my back.

I am convinced my productivity has increased as it reminds me of the old days when I used to be a secretary. I used to work with a neat desk with a pile of work. I was productive back then, my new desk set up helps me to be just as productive now.

Elizabeth McPherson is owner of The Lifestyle Concept. To find a Professional Organiser to help with your work environment, visit our Find an Organiser page.