22 Jan 2019

How to meet your organisational goals

5 tips to help you achieve your decluttering and organising goals this year.

Professional organisers help clients at different stages on their organising journeys. In this post, owner of Hertfordshire-based Blissfully Organised Tracy Ross shares some of her tips to help you achieve your decluttering and organising goals this year.

It’s not just the stuff

When we talk about decluttering, the focus is usually on the physical stuff taking up our space. However, there are other types of clutter in our lives which can also take our energy and time.

Time: Our time is precious, and it is easy to feel stressed when it feels as if we don’t have enough time to do what we want, and need, to do. First, make a list of your key priorities and then review these priorities against how you are actually spending your time. Can you edit out things that don’t fit in? Be careful not to over commit yourself.

Clock on a white wall above a white desk plant and lamp

Distractions: Electronics and their constant alerts distract your attention and impact your ability to focus. Managing your computer files and photos across multiple gadgets, keeping up with emails, searching for data and remembering updates and backups all take up your time and quickly become “digital clutterâ€