28 Mar 2018

Clearing the mind

We can all declutter our environments - our homes and places of work - but what about when our minds just won’t quieten down? Rachael Fenwick of Your Organised Life says that she has one of those minds that never stops thinking, planning and having a constant internal dialogue with itself. In this blog post, Rachael explains some methods to help us take back control and learn to switch off - which can help us to achieve our goals, be it daily goals or bigger life goals.


A topical buzzword that’s been around for a while now is Mindfulness – learning to live in the NOW, to take each task or thought one at a time, to save us from mind-overload.

Earlier this year I attended an Ayurveda Retreat. It involved numerous hours of solitude each day; practising being mindful, and, as it was also a total detox from technology, it was easy to be mindful in this environment. (It also helps when your phone is confiscated for attempting to use it!)

What the three-day retreat taught me is that by being mindful in every moment, my mind can instantly calm down. I must focus on one thing at a time, so if I’m eating a meal I’m just eating – concentrating on the food, the flavours, the texture, the thought of nourishing my body. My thoughts and my subconscious aren’t allowed to take over. It’s rather powerful, extremely simple to do (with a little practice) and reaps instantaneous results.

If you’d like to find out more about the benefits of practicing mindfulness take a look at this website: www.bemindful.co.uk or or look up either of these informative books:
  • "Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic worldâ€