25 Mar 2018

Do you need to declutter your diary?

Time management consultant Cory Cook shows us how to make our time work better for us

When was the last time you decluttered your diary? In this post, time management and personal productivity consultant Cory Cook shows us how to make our time work better for us and our goals.

Spring clearing your schedule

Ah, spring. Time to clear out our homes and begin afresh! Time to throw open the doors, whisk away the old and give our space a good sprucing.

But why stop there? It’s not just our physical space that becomes overrun with fusty old ‘stuff’.

Our diaries get weighed down too.

Like our homes, a schedule is easy to fill. If we don’t perform an occasional cull and consciously select what stays, overcrowding can soon settle in. Before we know it our diaries are full, but not necessarily with the activities we truly want.

Ready to spruce things up?

diary time management declutter

Here are 7 ways to revitalise your diary:

1. What’s missing from this picture?If it’s your big picture goals, or the steps to achieve them, then quite a bit is missing. Without a beacon to aim for, life may feel like going through the motions. The thing is, to reach our desired destinations, we need to consciously schedule - and perform - the actions that will lead us there.

If you haven’t given this much thought lately, put the kettle on and determine 3 – 5 outcomes you’d like to achieve, long- or short-term. What do you need to do on a regular basis to make progress? Schedule one small step per goal into your diary now.

If the goal is truly compelling, you’ll find a place for it in your day.

2. Avoid the vortexThere's nothing wrong with working late every now and then, enjoying a bit of telly, catching up on social media …if executed in moderation. However, time seems to suspend itself when we become absorbed in certain types of activities.

The key is being honest with yourself about your tendencies, as well as which activities in particular have the strongest magnetic pull on you. If work takes over to the demise of your social or family life, implement a failsafe to stop and shut down by a certain time each day. If online distractions draw you in, set a limit with a timer to alert you time is up. Close it down and slowly step away.

Don’t let the vortex devour precious time better spent elsewhere.

3. Cancel unnecessary obligations

Review your commitments. There may have been a time when you fully enjoyed serving on a particular board or committee, but times and priorities can change. If you’re currently involved in something that feels more of a chore than a joy, it's time to move on.

You’re not doing yourself or the commitment any favours if your heart isn’t in it. Politely step down and use the time for a new endeavour that you’re passionate about.

Or simply enjoy the extra time.

4. Just say no

The best way to avoid cluttered activity in your diary is by denying it access in the first place. It’s not always easy to say no. But if we don’t, we risk filling our time with other people’s priorities, not our own.

By all means say yes when it’s necessary to do so, or if the request is in sync with your objectives. But always ask: “If I say ‘yes’, what in my diary will have to shift or go away to make the space?â€